About Dan-Equip

Dan-Equip A/S is a trading company, established in 1997. The most important marked segments for the company is offshore, chemical, petrochemical, process and other industrial applications, consuming products as pipes, fittings, flanges, valves etc.
Read more about us here.

Contact us

Find Dan-Equip's opening hours, address, contact information, staff and bank information.


We have a wide-ranging selection, including standard and niche products. In exceptional cases when we do not have an item in stock, we will do our utmost to source it.


Pictures of the warehouse and a selection of our products.

Opening hours and emergency number

Monday-Friday 7.30AM - 4.00PM
Phone: +45 75 45 10 55
Emergency phone:
Knud Pedersen: +45 28 45 18 70
Ole Nielsen: +45 20 65 44 25
Bent Ganderup: +45 25 53 80 55

Find us

Dan-Equip A/S
Taurusvej 18
6700 Esbjerg


Read more about Dan-Equip and our products.

Our company is credit worthy according to Bisnode's credit assessment system that is based on a number of decision rules. This credit rating is updated on a daily basis, and always shows the current rating and date.